
Showing posts from November, 2021

Papercraft objects final revision

  Physical 3d papercraft models to the left. The biggest consideration of feedback that I took in was to scale my model up so that it would be easy to work with overall. I also decided to refrain from adding tips to the ends of the leaves due to issues with gluing such precise parts on a small scale, even when scaled up. I also decided to make the top part (the pot and the leaves) a separate piece from the base of the pot so that they slide together instead of needing to be glued on, which worked considerably well. Below: Rhino renders of plant 3d model Below is an image of my templates, which I used to laser cut my pieces for my physical papercraft object.

First Prototype

I've encountered a few issues with my prototype, but the biggest one of them all was the fact that I need to scale this up quite a bit due to the complexity of working with such small parts. I attempted to preserve paper as much as possible by reducing my printed sheets to two papers with nearly no excess space, but it came at the price of a very difficult time building it. I also need to figure out a way that I can make my leaves curve as they are supposed to. (I also forgot a tab on the pot base so I need to add that in too.)