

Originally, I was thinking about making my castle as a Japanese or Chinese inspired castle, but I noticed a lot of previous works did the same thing, not to mention the blocky-ness of stacking rectangles was feeling a little too bland for me. I was also hit by inspiration when I was talking to a classmate, as they said they were considering making Bower's castle, which made me think of doing something from another video game. Hence, I made a simplified version of the Devil's Casino from Cuphead. I figured that I might as well read up the definition of a castle, but google initially only gave me the definition of a western style castle, which states, "a large building, typically of the medieval period, fortified against attack with thick walls, battlements, towers, and often a moat." I looked around and found a looser definition that said "a fortified, usually walled residence, as of a prince or noble in feudal times" ( and I figured that the bosses in the game that resided in the casino counted close enough as nobility. 

 To make the dice, I made a flat map of it using the rectangle tool and shift and then put the pieces together using rotate3D. In hindsight, making a box and adding the dots on might have been a faster way of doing it, but by making a map all the dots were even and easier to space out without having to constantly rotate circles.

The chess pieces were made using the curve feature and then attached to polylines that were perpendicular to each other. From there, I used the revolve function. Any of the round donut-like pieces were made by using a flat circle then a smaller circle perpendicular to the line followed by the sweep 1 command.


Bonus: (Castle concepts I ended up scrapping)

For the top part, I used Edgesrf because it curves inwards and isn't planar, so Planarsrf wasn't an option. I wasn't sure if I disliked it because of the straight walls on the smaller model, so I tried making them curve in but I still wasn't a fan and decided to go for a completely different concept

When attempting the design for the Japanese castle (which I discarded), I ended up making decorations and ended up with a lantern and a red gate.


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